Habits of an inspired individual

Sometimes, you just need a few tips and tricks that help keep you inspired. It isn’t something that I take for granted. Inspiration comes to me in so many ways, everyday – whether it be people I meet, things I see, things I experience – I seek it out, but I am aware that this … More Habits of an inspired individual

Journey of a first time fitness competitor: 8 weeks out

I have reached another milestone in my competition prep – 8 weeks out and counting down!! I am excited! This week I focused on rejuvenating my strength; setting my body up for the tough 8 weeks ahead. Instead of killing myself in the gym, slogging out those big, heavy weights, I gave myself a little … More Journey of a first time fitness competitor: 8 weeks out

Journey of a first time fitness competitor: 9 weeks out

It’s getting closer and closer. 9 weeks out, wow! Coming up so fast. You would think my list of things to organise would get smaller, but it’s actually getting bigger! As competition date closes in on me, there is more and more to do to ensure I am ready for the big day. Skin preparation … More Journey of a first time fitness competitor: 9 weeks out

I’m Hungry!

Ok, so usually, I do not like to “whine” about anything. If I do, I mean it, and need to talk about it aloud. this is one of those times… This week has been really hard for me in terms of my hunger levels. My metabolism must be cranking and working VERY effectively, as I … More I’m Hungry!