Journey of a first time fitness competitor: 3 weeks out

I compare myself to me, not others. This is my first competition, I am simply aiming to bring the best debut package I can to that stage. I am not in this to meet others’ expectations, I am here to smash my own! I don’t know whether to squeal with excitement or start writing new … More Journey of a first time fitness competitor: 3 weeks out

Journey of a first time fitness competitor: 4 weeks out

Oh boy, the month countdown has begun! Who would have thought I would be here at this milestone so quickly. I am both nervous and excited, actually getting giddy with excitement! Counting down passed 30 days (as I go to post, it is now 25 days!!), really amps up the emotions. I have not decided … More Journey of a first time fitness competitor: 4 weeks out

Active Wear 101

I spend at last 3 hours in the gym daily, so I really need quality active wear that lasts, and continues to deliver right up until it’s final day. So what do I spend my hard earned dollars on to keep me feeling great during my workouts? A LOT. That’s the answer to that question. My … More Active Wear 101