Post competition: the road to comp #2

Hello to All! It has been 15 weeks since my first fitness competition, and I must say, it has been an eye opening journey up to this point. Ups and downs alike, and many moments of self discovery. As the journey through a competition like this one is a very personal one, I can only … More Post competition: the road to comp #2

Journey of a first time fitness competitor: PEAK WEEK: 1 week out

If this journey has given me one thing, it is the opportunity to meet those beautiful people I can now call my friends, and no matter what the outcome Sunday, this is all I could have asked for. … More Journey of a first time fitness competitor: PEAK WEEK: 1 week out

Journey of a first time fitness competitor: 2 weeks out

Ummmmm, 2 weeks!!! WHAT?!? 14 days!!! – can you feel the excitement, nervousness, panic and overall mix of emotions jumping out of that statement? I just can’t believe I am now 2 weeks out from my first competition. That’s one more week of prep left, and then peak week begins. Wow. If you had of … More Journey of a first time fitness competitor: 2 weeks out

Journey of a first time fitness competitor: 4 weeks out

Oh boy, the month countdown has begun! Who would have thought I would be here at this milestone so quickly. I am both nervous and excited, actually getting giddy with excitement! Counting down passed 30 days (as I go to post, it is now 25 days!!), really amps up the emotions. I have not decided … More Journey of a first time fitness competitor: 4 weeks out

Journey of a first time fitness competitor: 5 weeks out

5 weeks to go! I am amazed by how incredibly fast time goes by. There were quite a few nutrition tweaks this week, which led to a tough couple of days – this week was a hard one. I pushed through the tough times, with a little help from those around me. It certainly reiterated exactly … More Journey of a first time fitness competitor: 5 weeks out