A lesson in planning ahead

You owe it to yourself to be happy – to live with no regrets. Don’t wake up in the morning regretting the chance you didn’t take, the person you didn’t call, the place you didn’t see, the thing you didn’t eat. Life is too short. Now, don’t get me wrong. I have lived my life for … More A lesson in planning ahead

Finding a balance: Life as a fitness competitor

That was it. I made a goal and I wasn’t going to stop. For more than 6 months, that was my focus – I made a goal and I wasn’t going to stop until I smashed it. However, once competition was over, I knew something had to change. What I truly wanted was to be able to make this a lifestyle; something I could maintain forever – an intrinsic part of me. This is my step by step, ongoing journey to find that balance. … More Finding a balance: Life as a fitness competitor