INBA Nationals 2015: My second competition is over, what now?

It has taken me a while to reflect on this one. 5 weeks in fact – wow, has it been that long? Time flies by quickly. The year is almost up! But what an experience it has been. Words can’t describe how much that Sunday meant to me, how much the past year has meant … More INBA Nationals 2015: My second competition is over, what now?

INBA Australian Championships 2015: The day in photos

What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals – Henry David Thoreau Breakfast of a fitness competitor 😛 Hair by Leslie at Comptan HQ, repping  TEAM NUTRIVOLVE!  My bestie and I, selfie queens! Team Legacy!  INBA ANGELS 2015 There’s a first time for everything! … More INBA Australian Championships 2015: The day in photos

Finding a balance: Life as a fitness competitor

That was it. I made a goal and I wasn’t going to stop. For more than 6 months, that was my focus – I made a goal and I wasn’t going to stop until I smashed it. However, once competition was over, I knew something had to change. What I truly wanted was to be able to make this a lifestyle; something I could maintain forever – an intrinsic part of me. This is my step by step, ongoing journey to find that balance. … More Finding a balance: Life as a fitness competitor

Journey of a first time fitness competitor: 2 weeks out

Ummmmm, 2 weeks!!! WHAT?!? 14 days!!! – can you feel the excitement, nervousness, panic and overall mix of emotions jumping out of that statement? I just can’t believe I am now 2 weeks out from my first competition. That’s one more week of prep left, and then peak week begins. Wow. If you had of … More Journey of a first time fitness competitor: 2 weeks out