For the love of dance!

Dance first. Think later. It’s the natural order.

I have a long history with dance – it is a part of my childhood, a part of my adulthood, and something that always makes me smile. I live by the motto ‘do what makes you happy’, so dance is always in my life!

In 2013 I was introduced to the art of pole dance. It is an awesome way to keep fit, and a lot of fun too, but the sport cops quite a bit of flack from society today. I must say, I think twice before I tell a person I pole dance for fitness. Not because I am ashamed, but because they refuse to understand what pole fitness really is, so I inevitably end up in a conversation where I am defending my fitness choices!


It drives me crazy – but I want to be honest with all of you, and I am open to discussion if you need to let your opinions off your chest. To be transparent about my fitness journey, I certainly can’t leave pole dance out of the story! I started in 2013 with one of my best friends, Kirrali, who went to a Hens night one weekend and was really keen to try it out for a term. Open to any dance, I joined her expecting to experience something new for 6 weeks, have a good time and tick it off the bucket list… boy was I wrong about that! I fell in love with how pole dancing made me feel; energised, challenged and confident. I was excited to conquer all of the pole moves! Below is my first lay-back. This was the first trick I set my sights on, and the first term I truly knew pole fitness would be a part of my life permanently (at least, if I could help it).

FitSistas. My first Layback
My first Layback

It didn’t take long for me to move up the levels – when you really love something, and apply yourself unconditionally, anything is possible.

Around this time, Aerial Pole Academy had opened. I had heard so much about the head instructor and her teachings, and couldn’t help but wonder whether she could help me further extend my skills and continue my development as a pole dancer. Short answer is, she certainly could! I joined Aerial Pole Academy, and since that time, have improved astronomically.

Cross knee release. Aerial Pole Academy. Chi Chu Photography
Cross knee release. Chi Chu Photography

It has not just been about the skills though. If it weren’t for Aerial Pole Academy, I would not have met my best friend and lifelong sister, Kristy Louise. Kristy is a loyal and loving friend who is dear to me; always there for unconditional support no matter the circumstances, and best of all, a good laugh! She inspires me to challenge myself everyday, to never give up, and to always follow my hopes and dreams. She has countless national titles to her name, and she inspires others too; an all round awesome pole gal! I will be forever grateful to pole dance for bringing Kristy into my life. Since meeting her a few years ago, Kristy has achieved so much! She is flying high, and is only getting more and more inspirational every week!

The Dance Project. Kristy & Teeghan. Kevin Thornhill Photography
The Dance Project. Kristy & Teeghan. Kevin Thornhill Photography
Kevin Thornhill Photography
Kevin Thornhill Photography

As 2014 rolled on, I really started to see improvements in both my skill ability and technique. I documented my progress in a photoshoot with Chi Chu Photography. It was such a lovely way to celebrate how far I had come as a pole dancer, and as a keepsake for the future. These are a few of my favourite accomplished tricks!

Chi Chu Photography
Chi Chu Photography
Chi Chu Photography
Chi Chu Photography
Chi Chu Photography
Chi Chu Photography

As I watched and cheered Kristy on from the audience during 2014 (she is a dynamo!!!) I started to think that perhaps I could compete in 2015? I always wanted to, deep down, but never had the courage. Always finding excuses to say no. I was almost ready to take that leap when I injured my shoulder (during pole class too). I did not know how severe it was until it wouldn’t heal weeks later. I sought professional help and was ordered off pole for 12 months. This was to ensure no further damage and my future in the sport. If I did not follow advice, I would run the risk of never being able to pole again… At least, not to the capacity I know I could be capable of.

Pole Dance at Aerial Pole Academy
Pole Dance at Aerial Pole Academy

I didn’t let this get me down though. I was told that I needed to strengthen my muscle. This is where my Golds Gym membership took a front seat in my health and fitness journey. I tried my best to attend pole classes, at a much lower level, so I could keep my skills in tact, but it was painful. I needed to listen to advice and take on board the truth… I had to wait before I could compete. I had to be patient. Strengthening my shoulder using weights at the gym was great. I could maintain the muscle strength for pole whilst enjoying my other hobby. Little did I know, pole would take a back seat for a while as I explored a new passion.

Canale Photographica. Fitness & Dance
Canale Photographica. Fitness & Dance

So here I am, venturing out into a new world, whilst my pole dancing aspirations are on hold. You might ask which do I prefer, and if I am to be honest, I don’t love one more than the other. It’s a different journey for both adventures and I don’t want to compare the two. Both pole and my fitness competition journey have similarities, yes, but they’re not the same. I am not seeking the same thing from each of them.

Canals Photographica

Canale Photographica

For now, my fitness competitions are my priority, and judging by how excited and eager I am to always get up in that stage, it may consume me for quite some time (who knows!) this does not mean I won’t dance anymore, in fact, as soon as I can get back on that pole, I guarantee it will be a part of my strength training and cardio. I can’t erase it from my life, it will always be there. I just have to be sure I follow my passions no matter where they lead. I am a dancer for life.

Canale Photographica
Canale Photographica

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Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. Its about learning to dance in the rain!

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