Prepping for INBA Nationals: my transformation in pictures

Why hello there! As I sit here in a pool of emotion, all tanned up with my base coat on, I find myself reflecting on the prep that has passed and the package I will be bringing to stage tomorrow. It has been a tough journey for me. This time around, as you all know, my … More Prepping for INBA Nationals: my transformation in pictures

Finding a balance: Life as a fitness competitor

That was it. I made a goal and I wasn’t going to stop. For more than 6 months, that was my focus – I made a goal and I wasn’t going to stop until I smashed it. However, once competition was over, I knew something had to change. What I truly wanted was to be able to make this a lifestyle; something I could maintain forever – an intrinsic part of me. This is my step by step, ongoing journey to find that balance. … More Finding a balance: Life as a fitness competitor