How to enjoy the Party Season and stick to your goals

One of the hardest things to do this time of year is to stay in line with your fitness goals. It is so easy to over indulge! I don’t mean one day. I am all for not worrying on Christmas Day. It should never be about counting macros, or diets. It should always be about spending quality time with family and friends. What I mean is that one day turning into a few weeks! Does that sound familiar? One day of indulgence does not equal weight gain, however, a few weeks certainly can.

I managed to create balance last year. I surprised myself actually, as I usually love my food to the point where, if it is all delicious, I am going to devour it. Christmas Day was the only day where I have veered off my nutrition and workout plan and I am proud of myself for having the self discipline to do it. I wanted to share with you what it was that I struggled with, and how I managed to succeed in staying on track. If you are struggling to keep that balance this time of year, these small tips might help you get through.

Don’t go to Events Hungry.
Yes, it is the holiday season, so most do not follow their usual nutrition plan… however, if you want to set yourself up for success and stop the over-indulging, think about eating before you head to social engagements. It is the least you could do for yourself, so you are less tempted to over-eat the treats. Christmas day I made my usual breakfast of oats & apple plus eggs and greens; I went to my family Christmas with a satisfied appetite, so was much less tempted by all of the treats on offer. This is what I struggle with – sweet tooth will kill my goals every time! Getting to my social engagements with a satisfied appetite means I am far more likely to say no to those extra sweet treats, and much more likely to eat the nutritious, fresh food on offer instead!

Eat Smart. 
Rather than writing off the festive weeks as an excuse to intake whatever you want without consequence, think smart about it. Enjoy the good-quality, tasty treats you love in controlled amounts. Just be sure to balance them with the nutritious foods your body needs; salads, seafood, fresh fruit! I loaded up my plate on Christmas Day with fresh fruit, beautiful king prawns, salads and of course, loads of turkey and smoked ham, so that I could balance out my favourite Christmas dessert – PAVLOVA! My body was not overloaded with sugar, as it felt satisfied with good, nutritious food before I indulged my sweet tooth. Made for much less of a food coma or carb crash later in the day.

Train Smarter.
You do not have to stick to your usual training plan. I understand that the holiday season gets very busy – it certainly did for me – but you should plan ahead. It is important to set aside time to work out so make a plan that works with your festive season schedule, then commit to it! If you know getting to a gym will be hard for you, workout at home. There are many workouts you can do that do not require gym equipment, but will keep you on track with your goals. I love Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube for home workout ideas. Having these resources at my fingertips means that, even if I don’t get to a gym over the busy holiday weeks, I can still work my butt off in the comfort of my own home. “I don’t have time” is a really easy excuse when I get busy and have not planned ahead. Home workouts help with this – I can cut myself a little slack whilst still working towards my goals. Balance is key here.

Give Yourself Some Slack.
We all know that the festive season brings challenges in terms of staying on track with our fitness goals, and we all slip up, or choose to take some time off. This is perfectly okay. If you do slip up, overindulge, and get stuck into some note-so-healthy holiday fun, know that it is not the end of the world. There are plenty of opportunities to bounce back and get right back on track with your goals. Cut yourself some slack. Simply put it behind you, and move on with a positive attitude to guide you through the next year!


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