Change it up! What I did to keep my training fresh

Competition preparation second time around was a tough one in many ways, including my training! I stepped it up to another level in order to make it to that stage condition you saw at Nationals last October, and it was the toughest thing I have put myself through in a long time. Once it was over, it was no excuse to fall into a day-to-day grind though… this can be very detrimental to motivation and progress. During prep, I had proved to myself what my limits ACTUALLY were (I thought I knew), and had driven myself further than ever before – so for a challenge, I had to ensure I kept re-discovering those limits. This has led to an overhaul of my training!

To ensure I continue to grow and my body is always challenged, I am always updating what it is I do in the gym. No matter where I am up in my pursuit of my goals, I am still shaking it up. Consistency does not have to mean monotonous! My gym workouts are never that, or I would get bored. I don’t let myself get bored. I can’t….

Last time I convinced myself that “my workouts had gotten me to where I am, so I should just keep going”… I collapsed in on myself. I fell into a motivational slump. Sure, I still went to the gym, but my heart was not there. I had gotten into a “habit” – a good habit, yes, but not a happy one. I needed something to change. I needed a kick up the butt pretty much! My strength was going nowhere (sign #1); I wasn’t too hungry post workout (sign #2); I ‘just got it done and got out’ (sign #3).

So what did I do about it?  I took my habits and my emotional nonsense out of the equation. Coach threw me into an entirely new workout routine. Something I had never seen before. It is structured, and planned (that’s what I enjoy), and has so much variety! But although I have a plan written out for each session in the gym, I have so much to pick and choose from to reach my goals that I never feel like I am restricted. I tell you what – change is as good as a holiday!


When I sit here and reflect on the exercises I am doing, they’re not too far from my old routine actually. What’s different is the bigger picture. I can see what I am working towards each week, and the results of that outweigh any doubts I ever had! Never again will I tell myself “my workouts had gotten me to where I am, so I should just keep going”…

My weakness have remained and I do ensure my training addresses them. I save a bit of extra energy for the big exercises that work on these weaknesses (currently, legs and abs), but generally speaking, training is very well rounded and balanced between strength and hypertrophy.  I am enjoying every moment of it – okay, with the exception of those times I lift so heavy I want to squeal at anyone in range – but that’s all part of the growth! Can’t be #beast without that pain.


Now, we can’t forget the cardio – this hasn’t stopped either, but I approach it differently. It’s all in the attitude. I spent my entire prep, and all of last year pretty much putting up with the fact I had to just get it done. Now I look at it very differently.

Intelligent cardio – yes, that’s what I  call it, because that is what it is. TAILORED cardio to suit my goals, my cardio is intelligent. It HELPS me achieve my goals, it propels me forward, it’s challenging, it works! The below workout (on average, I change it up when I hit plateaus) – is aimed at growth…. that’s right, GROWTH. These sprints put quite a bit of stress on the quads and glutes and over time you will start to see changes in the shape of your legs. Took about 6-8 weeks for me during prep and I’ve never looked back since!

Resistance: Maximal
Sprint Time: 15-30 seconds (maximum intensity)
Rest: 45-90 seconds (medium intensity)
Sets: 6-9

I will tell you something though… during every cardio workout, I push it! I go hard, sometimes to the point where I feel I am going to push over the edge. I push my intensity to the limits as best I can. You may not agree with this, but it works. HIIT is not supposed to be a ‘piece of cake’ – if it is, you’re not utilising it effectively. HIIT is supposed to be a challenge!


Is your program more focused on conditioning? My opinion… HIIT is good for you! No matter what the goals happen to be, you really can’t go wrong with a little bit of a challenge! Don’t be afraid of it.

Changing up your workout routine can reset your motivation, keep your body guessing, and excel your results – put in the hard work, and things will happen! It won’t change overnight, but you will get there.

Keep at it, shake it up, and smash your goals!

-Teegs xx


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