Post Competition: 7 days until Nationals

7 days!! In only a weeks time I hope to stand on that stage next to the best INBA competitors in the country and smash the package I brought to stage in April this year. Second time around I know it will be different, but similar in so many ways. I am excited to be able to share this with you all for a second time. It is so close now!

The last week has been a tough one, in many ways. Cardio has been increased to give my body that final push, and calories were not upped to compensate haha so I am hungry, exhausted, and wanting to nap every hour. This week, I have been a Floating Potato Angel…

potato angel

The body usually adjusts to these changes quite quickly, but not this week. Everything was such a struggle! I have persevered, but let me tell you, it has not been a walk in the park! But neither has this prep as a whole.

Competition prep second time around has been vastly different from first time around. Factors that have been out of my control have interrupted the machine that was my body, and caused a few kinks it the well-oiled chain that should be a body during competition prep. It has gotten me down on a few occasions, and this week I really gave in to the self doubt. It hurts when you know you have achieved better in the past, and it hurts even more when you know you are giving it your absolute everything, but you’re not responding as fast, or as well as you’d hoped.

I got very caught up in the outcome of Nationals – I started to compare myself to my competition, started to internally panic that I would embarrass myself up there because I was not going to meet the expected standard of a National competitor…I forgot why I was in this, why I wanted to step on that stage – I forgot about me and what I want. Suffice to say, it is dangerous territory, and it can be very harmful. I felt out of control…

But when life then decides to throw a curve ball at you, well, don’t even get me started on how vulnerable that really can make you – the life events of the week, the loss of my beloved pet, put me in a bad place. You get shocked into re-evaluating how you are spending your time, and whether it is worth it. It’s emotional.

After a week of crazy – my emotions flying everywhere, doubt knocking on my door daily, more than once – when I received the news, I lost it. A bigger emotional mess at my office desk, and the funny part of all of this, a complete nutter during cardio that evening. I think anyone who saw me in the corner at Gold’s gym that night would have thought… “that girl really hates cardio” because I was blubbering and crying my eye balls out. The sweat dripping was nothing in comparison to the tears being shed. Seems dramatic, but it was the most therapeutic thing, I really believe I needed it.

As sad and tragic as it is, the universe has a way of bringing you back full circle when it knows you truly need it. I believe everything happens for a reason, and this was thrown at me at the worst possible time, but I feel better having let it all out. I have kept the tears and stress bottled up, and this week, I let it out – all of it. Saturday had me wake up, still sad and shaken, but refreshed. I can tackle whatever is thrown at me. I feel stronger. I feel more in control. Self doubt gone, everything is clear. Feels good.

On a far less dramatic note, I have now confirmed all of my appointments for the week! It is always the exciting part for me as I love seeing it all come together as one package. I have booked my tan, hair and makeup with yet again, as I wouldn’t dream of getting glammed up anywhere else. They take care of me, and I am honoured to have them right on my doorstep.

I have also booked in a photo shoot with the talented Tina Nikolovski Fashion Photography. What we created first time around is very much cherished. Tina captured the essence of how I felt, and managed to bring out a spark in me that I never knew existed. I felt like a million dollars, and am so keen to re-create that feeling and perhaps kick it up a notch this time around!

Tina Nikolovski Fashion Photographer
Tina Nikolovski Photographer

The cool thing was I was given a re-feed this week too! It was very different this time around though. Instead of the usual delicious last meal of the day, it was spaced out over 2-4 hours post my weights workout. Worked a treat and gave me so much energy for the following 24 hours. I really enjoyed every bite, but it didn’t even touch the sides. SUPER hungry, like it never happened! Must be close to comp when that happens. Body craved the carbs so badly, it took them away as soon as I ate them. Didn’t even feel like they hit my stomach before they were whisked away.

Also had an epic posing lesson with the amazing Pep Ryan this week too. Feels so great to be in a room with her energy again! For my first competition, Pep gave me the confidence to be myself up on that stage. She tweaked what I brought to the stage for my first time around, and gave me a few hints and tricks. My body has changed this time around so my posing must follow suit. When you’re up there, it’s about showing off and showcasing your best bits and when these begin to evolve with each competition, your posing should also be tweaked.

That was my week in a nutshell really – and it was a big one! I have had to remind myself that this journey is not about the trophies or the placings for me, it never has been. I won’t deny that winning or placing doesn’t motivate me to push harder, it certainly does, but it is not my driving force. I compete because I train, I compete because this is my lifestyle, and competitions are a great way for me to stay on track, keep that fire alive and a way to challenge myself when I need an extra push.

Now – into peak week I go! Can’t wait till Sunday

-Teegs xx

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