Active Wear 101

I spend at last 3 hours in the gym daily, so I really need quality active wear that lasts, and continues to deliver right up until it’s final day. So what do I spend my hard earned dollars on to keep me feeling great during my workouts? A LOT. That’s the answer to that question. My gym clothes have begun to out-do my normal clothes in volume! I do have my favourites of course, and this post is about sharing those with you.

Most recently I have been falling in love with Legacy Apparel, a local Canberra business developing the comfiest of active wear. I am slowly building up my collection. If I could have an outfit for everyday of the week I would. Their tights are hard to beat on the comfort scale.

lagacy apparel logo

SOme of my Legacy items - pink and purple are my favourite
Some of my Legacy items – pink and purple are my favourite

Rockwear Australia never fail to deliver on design and quality. Since I began this journey, I have grown my Rockwear collection to include a range of sports bras, sweat-wicking tops and booty shorts. Their creative fabrics and fun designs always make me feel confident and proud to wear them at the gym. I feel like an individual, whilst confidently knowing the quality of the product will never let me down!


Some of my favourite Rockwear pieces
Some of my favourite Rockwear pieces

Those who know me well, would certainly know of my love for the Lorna Jane brand. Lorna is an inspiring woman, who promotes so much positivity! I welcome anyone who inspires others to chase their dreams, and her active wear truly reflects this. It doesn’t matter what your goals, you can always find something to suit your personality at Lorna Jane. With new styles EVERY week, I am never left without awesome options!


A fraction of my Lorna Jane active wear collection
A fraction of my Lorna Jane active wear collection

I am also a Gold’s gym member! The ‘Mecca’ as it has been named, is a great place to train, and also a great provider of gym apparel! I am always excited to rep my gym in the finest of colours and comfiest of clothes. To be worn both at the gym and out and about, you can’t go wrong with Gold’s.

golds gym logo

Some of my Gold's gear!
Some of my Gold’s gear!

I can’t display EVERYTHING I own, as I would keep you hear all day. My wardrobe is filled with active wear (and my shoe rack is no different, eek!). I wish I could share it all with you of course, so below I have listed the many brands I recommend as well as those above. They all have my back when it comes to my workouts. Primarily, I train weights, so a few are specifically targeted at that kind of workout. One of the below (Indi) is my go to training wear for pole dance!

Whatever workout I choose, I am never without options that I can rely on to get me through my sessions. I would recommend any of them in a heart beat. Happy to send anyone exact items I have tried and tested if you would like, but have a browse through their online stores. I am sure you will have no trouble finding something you love too!

**Note: I am in no way paid to be affiliated with any of these brands. I am just sharing my opinion on the brands I know and trust to keep me working out.

rainbow logo strengthwear logo ryderwear logo  indi logo

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