My journey to INBA has begun

I can’t believe I am already only 20 weeks out from my first fitness competition. Time is flying by and there is so much to prepare. This is my first blog post, and is a short introduction to where I am at the moment, and how I came to my decision to compete. I thought it might be good to shed some light on where I am beginning from in this journey before I start documenting everything that goes with it!

26 weeks out from comp.
26 weeks out from comp.

As a first timer, I wanted to document my journey to not only see how far I have come when I reach my goal, but to share my experiences so that anyone out there contemplating this adventure might be inspired to take the leap!

This journey began long ago, but it was only a month ago that I started to take myself and my goal of being a fitness model seriously. I knew I couldn’t do it all alone. The gym to me is easy. By easy, I mean, everyday, even weekends, I will be up before the sun and working out. Getting out of bed to fit in my daily weights session isn’t the hard part for me. It’s the food. Nourishing my body with the right food to Help my goals is always a struggle, and will probably always be a challenge. This is why I knew I needed to take the steps to manage my own weaknesses. I was never “fat” or had weight management concerns, I was just a little relaxed and never truly dedicated (although I had convinced myself that I was). I needed guidance.

It was then that I enlisted Kyle Webber, head coach of Nutrivolve Nutrition Coaching for this very reason. Sometimes the first step to success isn’t one you make alone. In the last month, Kyle has taken my physique to the next level. I am achieving things I never thought possible, and all I have changed is my diet. It has woken me up from my excuses; “I will just have one, it won’t hurt”, “everything in moderation, a few chocolates will be fine”, “I am tired, a couple of Pepsi Max cans won’t do me any harm”… Fuelling your body with the right nourishment for it’s needs is key for this type of goal, and it took one hell of a coach to show me that.

So now, I am 20 weeks out from competing, and couldn’t be more determined to showcase what I am capable of. I am doing this for me. To prove to myself that I really can achieve what I set my mind to. Nothing will get in my way if I can help it, and if obstacles are thrown my way, I will leap over them any way I can.

Bring. It. On.

Me, 20 weeks out from comp
Me, 20 weeks out from comp

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